

(NEW) Mt Agamenticus Collaborative Land Use Plan

Base Map
Conservation Lands 11x17
Important Habitats 11x17
Future Land Use 11x17
Large Blocks 11x17
MTA Officials
Rare Animals 11x17
Rare Plants 11x17
Rare Plant and Animal Habitats 11x17
Water Resources 11x17
Watersheds 11x17
Wetlands 11x17
Zoning Map


APA Ethical Principles in Planning

Biddeford's Mill Complex: An Inventory and Survey (January 2004)

Home Rule Limitations on Building Caps

Impact Fees

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Definitions

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Exceptions

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Municipal Review and Authority

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Review Criteria

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Access to Direct Sunlight

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Enforcement; Prohibited Activities

Maine Subdivision Statutues - Revisions to Existing Plat or Plan

Model Subdivision Ordinance




Note: If you would like to download the following as word documents, right-click and select "Save Target As."

Maine Minimum Shoreland Guidelines

SPO Comprehensive Plan Review Criteria - Rule Chapter 202

SPO Comprehensive Plan Submittal Rule - Chapter 201


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